What Is Moral Footprint?

Are you a parent and/or a professional struggling with the complexity of making a difference in a world in eco-social crisis? Moral Footprint is here to embolden you to spark collective change through a pragmatic approach to conscious living.

We’ll dig deep into how we show up this pivotal decade:

  • What does it mean to do ‘right’ in today’s interconnected world? How can we be a bit less sh*t in a world where we have untold, unpredictable and unquantifiable impact on people, nature and animals?

  • Rejecting the myth of ethical purity and climate action perfectionism

  • Transforming our shame and eco-grief into active hope

  • Acknowledging our privilege and passing our power

  • Conviction that the impact we have goes beyond our personal carbon footprint and economic measures

About Jeni

Mum of two. Plant-based. Behavioural scientist. Mobile business consultant.

Hi, I’m Jeni. 👋

I’m mum to baby Ruby and toddler Evan, currently on maternity leave from my role as mobile business consultant. I help app subscription businesses create value, and inspire startups to rethink app engagement through a lens of sustainable growth and individual wellbeing.

It’s in my role that I became obsessed with what drives individual behaviour change, inspiring me to train as a behavioural scientist at the London School of Economics. Around the same time I had a spiritual shift where I stopped eating meat. This led me to grapple with the question of how my choices personally impact ecological systems (humans, nature, animals).

I’m fascinated by the interplay between the micro and macro, and how we as flawed humans make sense of our role within overlapping systems and processes.

Around the time I had my first son Evan in 2020 the COVID-19 crisis struck, and the resulting gradual awakening to the depths of the climate emergency shook my consciousness to its core.

I desperately wanted a practical guide on what to do to play my part but as a time-starved mum I was stuck. Moral Footprint is my journey, navigating my own complicity in the climate crisis but using my power to generate positive eco-social change in however small a way I can.

Check out Jeniwren.com my personal website for more about me.

Subscribe to Moral Footprint

The art and science of how we play our part in collective eco-social change this pivotal decade


Mum of two, behavioural scientist and business consultant demystifying how we play our part in sparking eco-social change